Creative strategy
Behaviour change
Direct mail
Septic sewerage systems have been a staple of regional life in Australia for centuries. And while a good solution when they are running well, they are a nightmare when they go wrong. Misbehaving tanks are hazardous to health, pollute the environment and just smell bad.
But as Melbourne and its sewerage network expands, so does the opportunity to switch from septic and connect to mains sewerage. Yarra Valley Water wanted a way to start the sewerage conversation with these people that now had the option to switch. The trick was, that for a lot of the folks, septic is the only solution they’ve known. Why should they switch?
We worked with Yarra Valley Water and consulted with several other councils to create a campaign that got down to business when it came to sewerage. A series of simple, fun messages that dug into the truth about septic, and the impact it really has on people, homes and neighbourhoods.
These messages were shaped into a series of posters, postcards and social tiles that could be easily adopted by cost-conscious councils wanting to encourage decommissioning dysfunctional septic systems. The formats allow for both broad and targeted channels, giving councils flexibility when approaching home owners.
With several excited councils expressing interest, the campaign is a fun and cost-effective solution for a topic most rather wouldn’t talk about. We’re hoping for results that smell like roses.